Villagers and Heroes Wiki

Oil is a cooked item in Villagers and Heroes. It is a refined ingredient. It is the base for all kind of products, like Mana Rolls, Drams, Healing Potions, Fish Dinners. Sometimes an ingredient to make a quest item.


Level Name Description Ingredients
1 Purpond Oil Purpond Oil A versatile oil, but it will permanently stain one's hands. Wear gloves when using. 2 Pondloach
1 Water
15 Tigris Oil Tigris Oil This dark oil preserves well and can be kept without refrigeration for years. 2 Tiger Eel
1 Water
30 Fangfin Oil Fangfin Oil Potent, but greasy, this unusual oil is also said to act as an invisible ink decoder. 2 Greenfang Shark
1 Water
45 Scaline OIl Scaline Oil It changes color depending on the season. 2 Saltscale Terrelli
1 Water
60 Specter oil Specter Oil This translucent oil is said to heighten the senses of those with an affinity for the paranormal. 2 Ghosteyed Trout
1 Water
75 Starlight Oil Starlight Oil Stirring is essential. This is a tricky oil and its reliability will waver if not thoroughly blended. 2 Spotted Galaxias
1 Water
90 Thurgid Oil Turgid Oil A thick and gelatinous oil, its blatant potency is undeniable. 2 Bigbelly Hamachi
1 Water